1st I prepared a patch in the fruit cage, that originally had an old Blackcurrant bush (but not producing much now), ready for 2 Blueberry bushes. One we had in a pot last year, which produced many fruits, so acquired a 2nd plant so they will be happy together, but now in open soil, should grow rapidly as we also dug in 'chicken pellet' fertilizer. The variety is: 'Bluecrop'
Other job: To cut back the autumn Raspberries, & weed them too.
A Twitter follower asked me what Rhubarb she should grow, I had no problem in recommending this variety as it is prolific & very tasty too, maybe you should try it.
Not a lot of time left to get the Chicken house & run ready, as we are picking up our 'Girls' in less than 2 weeks (19th March), so I cracked on with painting the run's frame 'Cuprinol Garden Shades - Barleywood' for the record. Next job is to attach the netting, make a door & fit out the hen house interior.
The 2 rolls (under plastic) are rolls of Turf, I have decided to make the run floor half turf and half forest bark, to give the Chickens 2 sources for finding bugs & creepy crawlies :)
Thanks for reading/returning, hope you revisit soon for more Allotment & Chicken news. Ian
We are harvesting parsnips too! Lovely!