It's been a week of sunshine & showers, so today while it was dry I decided to plant out the Main crop 'Sarpo Mira' Potatoes, said to be highly resistant to all diseases, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they perform, both in the ground and in the pot.
I've had 30 tubers of Sarpo Mira 'chitting' since 25th of Feb, they have lovely stubby dark green shoots, so it was time they went in.
I planted them in just the same way as the other Main crop Potatoes, in rows 15" apart, 30" between each row.
I watered the trenches with Comfrey Water before placing each tuber in the bottom, to give them a start.
That's all the
Potatoes planted now, the Rocket (1st early) have all sprouted &
I have earthed them up twice, the Charlotte (2nd early) have just
broken through approx 50% so far, will report on those soon.
Other jobs done today:
Planted out some Lettuce that had been started off in the greenhouse. I made mini-cloches from 2ltr pop bottles, by cutting off the bottom to protect the Lettuce from the still cold nights. About 25 have been planted in between the Onions.
All the rain we have had has topped up the pond and the rain barrel too, thats 3/4 full already.
We planted some Marsh Dasies & some marsh grasses around the pond, that we had grown ready in pots. The Tadpoles are still very active and getting bigger, will be Froglets soon.
Crops Harvested this week:
The Chickens had a day out today too.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
A busy few hours today
Weeded and Earthed up the early Potatoes 'Rocket' for the 2nd time. 100% success too as all 40 have sprouted.
But the 'Charlotte' 2nd early Spuds have still to break through, but as I planted them over 3 weeks ago I expect them to break through very soon.
Did some general weeding too, the Rats Tails, also called Mares Tails, are coming up again, we did get them under control a few years ago, but are creeping in again from next doors plot, as the owner hasn't been down much lately due to ill health.
Another job I have been putting off, but important was to tie up the Raspberry canes to the support wires, if I had left it any longer would have been very difficult as they are in full leaf now and buds are forming, didn't want to knock any off.
We have two varieties growing, early and late fruiting, both are in leaf so expect the fruit to set any time soon, that will keep us in fruit for months, not to mention the Black and Red Currants, Blueberries & Rhubarb. The Apple trees I planted in November last year are in leaf again now, so we might get a few apples this year, but more each year as they grow.
So as I said, a busy few hours and I did get a lot done, including watering the Greenhouse, picking greens and Dandelions for the Chickens usual juicy treat. They are getting over missing Betty too, seems odd now shes gone.
Rain is forecast for the next few days so I was glad to get the rain barrel fitted in time to harvest all that rain.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Super Saturday
Well despite the forecast of rain showers, we risked a trip to the Allotment and the sun came out.
First job to do: Protect the Carrots that are growing, from the dreaded Carrot Root Fly, with a fleece tunnel.
I used 3/4" Water Pipe for the hoops, available from B&Q (UK only) in 20mtrs lengths, cut into 60" (1.5mtr) lengths and covered with 'Super Fleece' which is pegged down all round, to keep those pesky flies out.
Chicken News:
We had some sad news this week, Betty Chicken who was poorly last weekend didn't make it, she slipped away on Monday. But as we have always said, we are glad to have given our Chickens a lovely life out of Battery Hell.
The remaining three, Hetty, Peggy & Maud are fighting fit and as you can see here are still busy pecking around the Fruit Cage on the Allotment, their treat for the week.
Other jobs done:
Weeded the Autumn Onions, Summer Leeks & Broad Beans.
Sowed some Asparagus Pea seeds, not a variety we have grown before so looking forward to trying them.
Also I moved some Strawberry plants, to a new raised planter, will Blog about those soon.
This week we've harvested even more, as you can see from this haul:
and Chives
All to be used in the forthcoming meals.
So as I said, a lovely almost summers day today, just a bit cooler than it looks, but I still managed to have a Bonfire, by the time I took this photo it had burnt down and stopped smoking, but burnt all the weeds that had been pulled up over the week & from today's weeding too (see above).
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian.
First job to do: Protect the Carrots that are growing, from the dreaded Carrot Root Fly, with a fleece tunnel.
I used 3/4" Water Pipe for the hoops, available from B&Q (UK only) in 20mtrs lengths, cut into 60" (1.5mtr) lengths and covered with 'Super Fleece' which is pegged down all round, to keep those pesky flies out.
Chicken News:
We had some sad news this week, Betty Chicken who was poorly last weekend didn't make it, she slipped away on Monday. But as we have always said, we are glad to have given our Chickens a lovely life out of Battery Hell.
The remaining three, Hetty, Peggy & Maud are fighting fit and as you can see here are still busy pecking around the Fruit Cage on the Allotment, their treat for the week.
Other jobs done:
Weeded the Autumn Onions, Summer Leeks & Broad Beans.
Sowed some Asparagus Pea seeds, not a variety we have grown before so looking forward to trying them.
Also I moved some Strawberry plants, to a new raised planter, will Blog about those soon.
This week we've harvested even more, as you can see from this haul:
and Chives
All to be used in the forthcoming meals.
So as I said, a lovely almost summers day today, just a bit cooler than it looks, but I still managed to have a Bonfire, by the time I took this photo it had burnt down and stopped smoking, but burnt all the weeds that had been pulled up over the week & from today's weeding too (see above).
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
First harvests of some crops today
But today we could wait no longer and cut the very first Asparagus spears.
Only 4 were long enough to cut, 4-6" is the recommended length. Had them in Risotto for dinner tonight, freshness at its best.
For the last few weeks we have seen it getting bigger & bigger, but today we could have filled a carrier bag, but decided to pick just enough for a Rhubarb Crumble pie, to have with Sunday dinner.
This variety is 'Stockbridge Arrow' and very tasty too, as my wine made from last years crop will confirm.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Busy Easter weekend
Netting (held on with bricks) makes it safe at the moment.
We added a few oxygenating plants to keep the water clear & of course to feed the Tadpoles.
As you can see the Rhubarb has shot up, not long now before we can gather the 1st harvest.
Beyond the Rhubarb, is the early Potato patch, today the Rocket (1st early) I counted 15 breaking through the soil crust.
Using the same method as before as for the early potatoes, except the spacing is larger.
Main crop seed potato's are placed in the bottom of a trench, watered with Comfrey Tea water, 15" (38cm) apart, with 30" (76cm) between each row/trench.
Again I am leaving out using Chicken Manure pellets, as I have been told they might cause 'Scab' so used Comfrey Tea water instead.
I have grown Cara a few times before and always found them to be a good cropper, with large size tubers, that are good for Roast, Boil, Fried & Jackets too.
Had a bonfire & burned all the weeds.
Sowed some flower seeds:
Cornflower - Blueball
Cornflower - White Sultans Bride
The one in this picture, about 4" tall already, will be ready for picking very soon, I have been told when it's 6" long.
Our day today was cut short, we took the Chickens again for a day out, but one was a bit un-settled & it started raining so only 3 hours work was done, enough as it seems.
So I hope you all had a lovely Easter day too.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Busy, Busy, Busy again!
Super Sunny April 1st
First job, to plant the Charlotte, 2nd early, potatoes that have been 'chitting' since 29th Jan. As you can see, they have nice short, dark green shoots, perfect and ready to plant.
If you look back 2 weeks the method is the same as when I planted the Rocket 1st earlies, but this time I have omitted using
Chicken manure pellets, a friend told me using them might cause sca
trench just before placing the tubers in.
Comfrey leaves can also be used fresh, simply tear them from the plant and place in the base of trenches to add a bit of goodness, not just for Potatoes but also Beans, Peas etc.
Planted out Broad beans, Cabbages & Calabrese started in the green house. Planted about 70 more Onions 'Fen Globe' in one of the raised beds.
The Asparagus 'Purple Stewart' is showing 5 spears now, more to come I bet.
The Rhubarb too is getting bigger, will be harvesting soon.
Well I dug the hole & placed our old bath in it, then using pond liner, started to fill with water. Not using stored water on the plot, I filled 26 x 2ltr bottles with rain water from a barrel at home, but it barely half filled the pond! We have been given some Tadpoles & Frog Spawn, so when the pond water has warmed up will introduce them to their new pond.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian.
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