Cleared this patch where Potatoes were growing, dug out plenty of roots and weeds!
Then planted out 42 'Red Winter Onions' that I had started off in cells at home.
A big pile of weeds was building, so good time for a Bonfire, got it started and it burnt well for an hour or so, then our neighbour turned up, and as the wind was blowing the smoke over her plot she asked me to put it out, so obligingly I did.
Oh well there will be another bonfire day.
Muck Spreading:
Well rotted local horse manure, lovely stuff.
Top right; the new Raspberry bed in the fruit cage gets a few barrows full!
Bottom left; the Rhubarb crowns gets plenty on each.
Bottom right; the Asparagus gets a few barrows full too.
The Greenhouse picture shows that despite very high winds on Tuesday, it had very little damage, only one of the perspex panes popped out of the roof, so I retrieved from neighbours plot & fixed back in.
So I'm glad we spent the time this weekend down there.
The only harvests we got were a few Rasperries, a couple of Parsnips for dinner and a couple of Potatoes I found while digging over the patch where the Winter Onions have gone in.
We still have plenty of greens like Cabbage, Kale & Sprouts, the leaves we take home for our Chickens, they love them.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian
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