Sunday 3 April 2016

Another busy day on the plot & chicken news

We decided to re-do these Strawberry beds, as we still had some runners from last years plants, a bit of a mix but we don't mind. 

Looks a lot better and we conditioned the soil before putting new mulch fabric down.
I've used chipped laylandaii wood (the tree we cut down) to cover this Victoria Rhubarb bed, hopefully will suppress the weeds better, there is mulch fabric beneath the chippings. 
I sorted out some rotten wood recently, dried it and got a bonfire going, put all the weeds on it too! 
I will dig in the ash from the fire into the soil, when its burnt down and cooled.
I've been wanting to tackle this corner for a while, it's behind the pond & Apple trees, we have a couple of Gooseberry bushes to put in so I'm making room for them here. So still a work in progress.
Chicken News:
When we got home from the Allotment we checked the hen house & 3 eggs were in the nest box, our Chickens have been busy too :) 
So it was a lovely day today, we arrived at 10am and left at 4pm :)

So glad we did a lot today, because we are away next week. But I'll be back on my plot on Sunday, as I need to plant the Charlotte 2nd early Potatoes.

Thanks for reading/returning. Ian

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