Sunday, 1 September 2013

First of September on the plot

Good day to weed the Carrots a bit cooler and there was a breeze today, that thwarts Carrot Root Fly. Three types were sown here end of July, Early Nantes, Paris Market and Autumn King, the fleece tunnel was put back when weeding done. I have grown Carrots this way for a few years, the fleece tunnel in place from day one of sowing, as a Root Fly barrier. 
Our Allotment Society had a 'Show your own' event yesterday. We entered in 6 categories, the results as follows:
Wife's Blackcurrant Jam 1st.
Anya Potatoes 2nd.
Radar Onions 3rd.
Rhubarb & Pear Wine 3rd.
Butler Runner Beans & Charlotte Potatoes weren't placed. 

So back to today, not a bad harvest, the Potatoes are the first test digging of the Picasso main crop, and from just two seed potatoes the yield was 2.5lb so an estimated total yield of 45lb but wont be digging them all up just yet so there's time for the remainder to get bigger & heavier.
Needed to do a spot of weeding too today as a plot inspection was due, where the committee look for weedy plots! 
Our 'Eat what we Grow' is going well, still managing to fulfil our goal and having vegetable soup for dinner tonight, a lot of the veg harvested today, plus previously harvested Onions, were used :)

Thanks for reading/returning. Ian  


  1. Well done on your winners in the Show Your Own event. Are you intending to grow through the winter? Are there any crops that can be sown now for harvest over autumn and winter?

    1. Oh yes Emma, Leeks, Parsnips & some Brassicas like Kale, Cabbage & Sprouts can be grown over winter.
