The 1st earlies I planted in March Charlotte did well again and 2 tubers (seed potatoes) produced 4LB 4oz (1.9 Kg).
These waxy potatoes are great hot or cold in salads etc.
They have a more floury texture and boil really well.
They make great Jackets & Chips too.
This year all my Spuds have survived without major problems such as Eelworm & Blight, I did suffer a little with Scab, but that does not affect the taste and rubs/peels off easily.
Next year I think I will try a few different varieties:
1st Early Charlotte (again)
2nd Early Lady Balfour or Hunter (a new variety)
Main Crop Markies or Cara (again)
For more information on these & other Potatoes visit Marshalls web site:
Runner Beans
* Here is a simple quick Raspberry Jam recipe:
Raw Raspberry Jam
Yields 1.5lb (675g)
1lb (450g) Raspberries
1lb (450g) Caster Sugar
1.Crush fruit slightly.
2. Put Sugar to warm in a very cool oven (Gas 1/4, 225 F, 110 C)
(put clean jars to warm into oven too)
3. Put fruit into in a saucepan over very low heat. Stir continuously until just boiling.
4. Take pan off heat and stir in the Sugar.
5. Return pan to low heat and stir until Sugar has completely dissolved. Stir until jam reaches boiling point.
6. If there are some whole fruits in the jam allow it to stand in the pan for a short time until a thin skin forms. Stir skin in gently then pour jam into pots, filling each one to the brim. This method ensures that the larger pieces of fruit remain suspended in the jam instead of floating to the top.
7. Put waxed paper discs on at once, waxed side down. Put the jam pot covers on immediately, or wait until jam is quite cold. Never put top covers on when jam is half way between hot & cold, condensation can form and this leads to mouldy jam.
8. Label jam pots with name & date and store in a cool, dry, dark place.
Ref: 'The Complete Farmhouse Kitchen Cook Book'
Thanks for reading/returning, look out for next up-date soon. Ian
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