But first, just look at the Stockbridge Arrow Rhubarb, a slightly later variety, won't be long now, maybe just a week or two before this years first Rhubarb Crumble.
Anyway, back to this weeks CV isolation, I got busy making a new raised bed for Asparagus and a new Strawberry planter/box. See below for the finished area.
The good weather has helped the Apple Trees, they are covered in buds and the blossom is waiting to pop out. The Frog Spawn in the pond is still there, no sign of our Frogs though.
Jo dug up some Leeks so its Leek & Potato soup for lunch. Very nice it was too with home-made Cheese & Chive scones, Chives from the allotment.
The new Asparagus bed is partly filled, we returned today (Saturday) to top it up with manure & top soil, the Strawberry box is to the left, over 7ft long, 12" wide, 6"deep and I extended the patio by 3ft.
Even this Covid-19 virus can't keep us away from our Allotment a 10 min walk away from home, its counted as our once a day exercise and 5 hours isolation, just me & Jo! Plus our neighbors a good 2 mtrs away over the fence. Thanks for reading/returning. Ian & Jo.
Trying an experiment with Carrot growing. This round container was a rain barrel that sprung a leak at the bottom, so I cut the bottom off. I have sown Carrot seed in it onto sifted soil, in the hope the 24" height will stop root flies!
Jo got busy over the last few days, weeded this bed and sowed some Lettuce seed then cleared the Rhubarb patch behind & the border along the back.
This patch looks alot better after Rotovating it last weekend. The patio extension is finished, next a new raised bed to be installed for Asparagus arriving in May and a Strawberry box.
We both got busy on this patch and dug it over ready for our spring crops to go in, Peas, Beans. and anything else we can fit in.
We decided to plant more Potatoes 'King Edwards' so Jo has been busy clearing a space, I will mix in some manure on our next visit.
Great news: In the pond we spotted loads of Frog spawn, Jo also spotted a few frogs mating the other day, so thats why.
During the clearing & weeding operation Jo dug up these Swedes, so we will have them with one of our meals soon.
Planning to get the first early Potatoes 'International Kidney' and 2nd early 'Charlotte' in end of this month so got busy preparing the ground.
Jo has been busy too, clearing & removing weeds from the raised beds, ready for spring sowing.
This raised bed has: Spring Onions, Spinach, Lettuce. Also some bee friendly flowers.
So this is the Potato patch I got my Rotovator out of the garage, cleaned it up, put fresh fuel in, cleaned the spark plug, a squirt of WD40 into the cylinder & it started 1st time. Check out my YouTube video all about Rotovating the plot, link below https://studio.youtube.com/video/uNhU7mjWzo4/edit Thanks for reading/returning. Ian & Jo
We arrived early today, Jo cleared this raised bed next to the greenhouse, found some Garlic with good roots, amongst the weeds so re-planted at the far end.
While Jo was busy, I carried on sorting the recently cleared patch, we are going to put in a new raised bed for Asparagus due in May, an extended patio & Strawberry box.
More Rhubarb has broken through, this Stockbridge Arrow is a prolific producer of thick stalks.
All in all a good days work, we stopped for lunch, but still got loads done, shattered now! Thanks for reading/returning. Ian & Jo
Welcome to our Allotment that we've had since 2000. I will be doing a regular blog with pictures to show our progress through the year, plus any new projects. Hope you like it and get some ideas from it too. Ian & Jo