It has survived the storms rather well, the greenhouse had just one glazing panel pop out, but easily put back in.
I replaced 75% of the glass with perspex a few years ago, so when one pops out they don't smash as glass would.
The shed also needs some new roofing felt, but that was expected as it was due a repair before the storms!
But the Cox's Orange Pippin Apple trees I planted out in November are doing really well and as you can see are in full bud/leaf I'm hoping for a small crop this year.
Chicken news:
The chickens are doing really well, the egg count for 2011 since we got them in March was 896, not bad for 4 ex-battery hens.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian
Lovely to discover your blog a week ago. Love the picture of the girls all gazing up towards the bowl in anticipation of treats. Tell me, how do you protect your chickens from predators/ light-fingers? Also do you know of a good UK link to learn about chicken husbandry?
ReplyDeleteHello Franny Zorbak,we keep our chickens in the back garden at home, so quite safe from trouble, we only let them out when we are at home so to keep an eye on them. Predators are rare, but a fox has been spotted close by. The run I built will protect them during day, at night they are in the hen house which is locked.
ReplyDeleteWhen considering having chickens, we went on a Poultry keeping course & then got our ex-battery hens from The British Hen Welfare Trust who re-home thousands of ex-battery hens a year. Check them out at
Hope you get some chickens soon, we wouldn't be without them now. Ian.
Hi Ian, just discovered your blog think its great and will follow to keep up to date, we to have chooks 2 girls called Hilda and Hetty we have had ours now for coming up to 2 years and couldnt imagine a life without chickens now the taste of a fresh egg is so diffrent, we took on an allotment this year as well and i have started blogging about it to my site is
ReplyDelete cant wait for the season to kick in this year.