First job of the day, was to weed this patch where the Leeks, Sweetcorn, Onions & Brassicas are. Looks a lot better for it. We need to get the weeding done, see why below.
We did have a pile of weeds here, so we got them burnt in the new incinerator bin. The space got filled with yet another Squash! Should do well here as I put a bucket of manure in the hole first.
The foliage on the Charlotte 2nd early potatoes looked a bit wilted, so I did a test dig and look how many came up from just one plant! There were more under the soil, see next picture.
Here is what I dug up from just two Charlotte potato plants. There is almost 4lb (1.8kg), we planted 36 so that means a possible yield of 72lb (32.4kg) from an initial 3kg purchase, a very good return on that investment.
The early Raspberries are ready to pick now, we have had a few already and harvesting daily now.
The Strawberries are being harvested daily too, see below.
Jo has been very busy too and weeded this patch, where the Peas, Kale and French beans are. We need to get our plot looking good because we have entered it into the Wirral Allotments competition. Judges will be visiting on July 5th and we still have lots to do!
Today's Harvest: Strawberries, Raspberries, Broad Beans, Charlotte Potatoes, Rhubarb (see below), and Sweetpeas.
Victoria Rhubarb: There is 7lb here and only 6 stalks, it's a beast! Just one stalk & leaf measured 54" (135cm) from tip to root! As the title says 'it rained, again' we arrived at 9:30, but had to leave around 1pm as we could feel rain in the air and sure enough the rain started as we walked home. Thanks for reading/returning. Ian & Jo.
Well lets talk harvests. Today as you can see we picked: Strawberries, Raspberries, Peas, a Courgette & Sweetpeas.
What a nice present on Fathers Day, 3 Eggs. One even has bumfluff on it, I hear you say 'Bumfluff' well its a true fact the soft downy feathers on a chickens rear are called 'Bumfluff'
You probably cant tell, but its raining! We only managed to harvest (as above) but we have already had some good pickings this week, see below.
The Squashes we put into the tyres are doing well, we have been watering them almost daily as they will dry out quick in a small container.
Planted out more Sweetcorn, 16 this time in a block 4x4. Will make a good follow on crop.
One job I've been meaning to do for a while, was to dig out the weedy/grass path that runs behind the pond and leads to where the Apple trees and the new raised beds with Gooseberries in are. So I made a new path using weed suppressant fabric topped with woodchips, will need some more to complete the job.
The Charlotte 2nd early potatoes, looks like they are all in flower now, so we will have to do a test dig soon. We have already had some of the Lady Christl 1st early and they were lovely just with melted butter.
Can you spot the Squirrel? It ran in front of me and went into the tree on the lane, so fast I nearly missed it with my camera!
Todays Harvest: More Strawberries More Asparagus More Rhubarb (not in photo). Gooseberry thinnings, only about a third taken to allow the rest to swell & ripen better.
On the lane down to our Allotments, there are a few Elderflower trees, so we thought we would try making cordial from the flowers. Will report on the results soon.
So after 7 hours on the plot today, we got lots done and weeding (of course) too. There was a brief heavy rain shower mid afternoon, was a good opportunity to shelter and have a cuppa. Thanks for reading/returning. Ian & Jo
We still had some Purple podded mange tout Peas 'Shiraz' to put in, so I made a frame from bamboo canes & some mesh I found in the shed, also put cardboard down the middle to stop the weeds! I planted 25 each side.
The Purple podded climbing French Beans are working their way up the wig-wam I put up a few weeks ago.
The Borlotti Beans are winding their way up the bamboo wig-wam too.
In the Greenhouse we have started using cut bottles with a drip feed spike. We have 4 Tomatoes, 3 Peppers, 2 Cucumbers and a Courgette.
Now that the plot is almost full, we won't need any more horse manure, so Jo planted a couple of Squashes into the remaining muck, that's now well rotted.
Jo weeded the Onions, watered the Courgettes and planted a row of Rainbow Chard.
Pond update: We have now spotted 8 Frogs, of different sizes. Here you can see one of the bigger ones. The Tadpoles are much bigger too, we should see legs forming soon.
Lots of lovely flowers, California Poppies, Chives & Sage, the Bees love these. We also have Cornflowers, Scabious, Cosmos, Sunflowers, Calendulas, Poppies, Nasturtiums, Foxgloves, Verbena, Teasels, Echinops, Sweetpeas and a wild flower patch too, all liked by the Bees.
Peas are climbing up the frames I made, these have even got pea pods forming, wont be long before we can try some.
I love this patch at the gate end of our plot, now that we have finished the planting with a Courgette in the small raised bed (behind the dry brick wall).
So we did alot today, weeding, planting, watering and even a bit of a bonfire, we still have lots of weeds to burn after drying. But it was such a hot day, luckily we have a parasol to get some shade under and a small table too to have our pic-nic on. Thanks for reading/returning. Ian & Jo
Welcome to our Allotment that we've had since 2000. I will be doing a regular blog with pictures to show our progress through the year, plus any new projects. Hope you like it and get some ideas from it too. Ian & Jo