Almost another 2 week interlude, but this picture is of the harvest from last weekend (17th) as we didn't have time to do anything else, due to other commitments.
Raspberries, Carrots and Sweet Potatoes which we actually grew in a large pot.
So back to today, which was another sunny, but chilly, day.
These Brussel Sprouts are looking good, and should be huge by Christmas, which seems to be the only time most people eat them, but we like them with a Sunday roast. But they do taste so much nicer than Shop bought ones.
These Leeks are doing well, some have already been harvested and added to some of the Potatoes dug up were made into Leek & Potato soup, a perfect winter warmer.
So as I said earlier a lovely day, but because my wife was convalescing after a bout of food poisoning, got from a local restaurant, I didn't have time to do anything more than harvesting.
Special day today as it was 10/10/10 & we arrived at about 10:10am too.
Sorry it's been a 2 week break since last Blog, Wife was doing a Willow Weaving workshop so could not get to Allotment last weekend.
But 1st how about this Weird shaped Carrot. I might send this photo to Kitchen Garden mag, they like oddly shaped Veg.
I love this time of year, as it the start of the big clear-up & a good excuse for a Bonfire.
All the weeds pulled up over summer can be finally burnt, leaving us with a free supply of 'Potash' good to improve soil especially round the base of fruit bushes.
The last of the Sweetcorn was harvested today so the woody stems also go on the bonfire, no waste here.
But the biggest job to do today was dig up the last of the Cara Main crop Potatoes. The last 5 rows, out of 7 planted, yielded 153Lb (approx 69.5 Kg)
So I estimate the total yield to be 214Lb (97.3 Kg) From an initial purchase of 2.75 Lb (6Kg) So not a bad return.
Whilst tidying up and pulling up some Leeks we found this rather healthy looking Toad. Glad to have them as they love chomping on Slugs. I hope to build a pond over winter so we should have Frogs too, more Slugs are doomed :)
So despite it being October it was more like a Spring day today, warm & sunny and we are still harvesting: Butternut Squash Sweetcorn Runner Beans Leeks Raspberries Carrots and Potatoes of course.
Thanks for reading/returning look out for next up-date.
Welcome to our Allotment that we've had since 2000. I will be doing a regular blog with pictures to show our progress through the year, plus any new projects. Hope you like it and get some ideas from it too. Ian & Jo