But as you can see it has been a lovely dry, blue sky sort of day, sunny at times too.
So did a bit of weeding, checked the crops, the Leeks I put in last week have taken, not grown but still alive.
Managed to still harvest a few Raspberries and Runner Beans but I feel will be the last as frost is sure to arrive.
Also harvested a few greens for the Chickens, Kale, Lettuce & weeds too.
The clocks going b
Here you can see them in their favorite spot, at the patio door expecting food, but as you can see they are looking healthy and fit.
They are still laying an average of 3 eggs a day, I have been told laying slows down and can stop in the winter, due to less daylight.
This months egg count is 100, so hardly slowing down yet. Best month so far was May with 108.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian
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