Plenty of harvesting has been done this week, but the Climbing French & Purple Beans have finished, so I dismantled the frames & put the foliage in the compost bin, I did leave the roots in the soil as a nitrogen fixer.
We have had a really good yield of these, each bucket contains about 10lb from 6 plants of each. So I estimate our total yield is 50lb of Hunter and 35lb of Anya.
Will be digging up the 2nd Early Charlotte over the next few days, will calculate the yield when the last ones are dug up.
7 Rows of 3 varieties:
Bella Italiano (Italy)
Avignon Wight (British)
Edenrose (French)
These should be ready to harvest by late Spring 2012
Beans & Beetroot
Carrots & Courgettes
Parsnips, Peppers & Potatoes
Raspberries & Runner Beans
Sweetcorn & Squash
Tomatoes too.
Thanks for reading/returning.Ian
Lovely harvest parsnips are about the same size as well. Perfect for roasting whole!