Been so busy with other things, but as its winter now, although you wouldn't think it as the temperature is still in double figures, there are very few crops to harvest but some clearing up do instead.
You can tell it's Autumn by the leafless trees in the background.
The patch in the foreground is where the Sweetcorn was growing, now that's finished I have dug the patch over & weeded it, ready for a dressing of Well Rotted Manure as I will be planting 1st Early Potatoes there in the spring.
They arrived safely packed & I followed the instructions closely, by planting each tree in a prepared hole with well rotted manure, secured to a stake and even pruned back each branch to about 9" to an outward facing bud.
So hopefully will get a small crop next year, increasing each year to a bumper harvest in a few years.
At this time of year your Chickens, ours too, will have slowed down laying, or even stopped. But it's important to still give them a good diet, so we give them a daily treat of mixed goodies, here is a bowl of chopped up Bread, Apples, Grapes & Mealworms.
Give them green leaves from Cabbage, Broccoli, Kale etc as well as Corn at the end of the day, to get them through the cold nights.
Thanks for Reading/Returning. Ian
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