I cleared the Kale away and will give the remnants to our Chickens.
So planted out some Cauliflowers in the space left. They were started at home in seed trays and were ready to plant out.
Also harvested today:
Parsnips & Peppers.
The Parsnips along with Potatoes, Onions, Garlic & Carrots went into Dinner tonight as a Vegetable Hot Pot and was very tasty.
Our 'Girls' Hetty, Betty, Peggy & Maud, are seen here enjoying one of their treats, Cabbage, Bread & Cucumber, they just love mixed treats, almost anything goes, chopped Apple, Pasta, green leaves & meal worms all get scoffed at an alarming rate, but shows in the deep yellow yolks the eggs contain.
Just look how attentive they are when a treat bowl is on it's way. They just know the sound of an arriving meal.
We have a special earthenware bowl that all mixed treats are served in and they cannily know the sound & look of it.
Thanks for reading/returning. Ian
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