While I was busy (see below) my Wife planted out some more Onions (red this time) & Shallots.
I have 70 to plant out (about 6kg). They have been 'chitting' since end of Jan (see earlier Blog 31.1.10) and are ready to go in.
First I measured out the patch of soil, previously manured and cultivated.
I also sprinkle a handful of Organic Chicken Pellets in each trench to give them an extra boost.
Then back fill to cover the tubers.
7 rows/trenches, each with 10 tubers in.
I have been asked how deep they should be. As we have 'light sandy soil' they finish up about 10" (25cm) deep, but if you have 'heavy clay like soil' 8" (20cm) should be deep enough.
In about 2-3 weeks they will need earthing up, as each plant 'halum' grow.
Watch this space for news on how they are doing.
Thanks for reading/returning.
oh my word you have done well! I am going to cheat and borrow someone's potato ridger. I am putting my earlies in today, however I have been told to wait till Good Friday, but I can't!!